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Garden Reflection

In this twilight zone of COVID, homesteading and self reliance for food and beauty of life has surged. It is not just in my backyard, but in so many surroundings. Folks have found a new passion, and it is gardening! Growing vegetables and flowers has become a way of life again.

Full circle. For those younger, if they haven’t grown, harvested, and put up in the past….they are now.

As your horticulturist, I feel compelled to ask you all to look closely at your gardens to see what, if anything, you could add or change to reap a greater reward. Whether it be visually, productively, monetarily, or simply for physically sharing….what could you do differently and what are your garden goals?

I have always encouraged you to add edibles to your garden, and this year especially, I’d like to help anyone wishing to learn.

I installed an amazing drip system in the vegetable garden last year. It was referred to me by Bootstrap Farmer when I got my growing products in the spring. I spent $123. And I have to say it is the absolute best thing I ever did. When I think of how much time I spent watering in the past...Wow. Now I simply turn on the faucet every couple of days, for 4 hours, and the plants are producing and thriving. Drip Depot is the company. All you need is included...simply lay it out and you are set for the season. Expanding the garden was easy while not having to worry about watering. I highly recommend it. Put it on your wish list. Better yet, make the investment if you can.

On another note: Last year was so dry in my northern central Pennsylvania area (zone 6). What was shining? Drought tolerant plants will carry your focus through the driest times. Russian Sage. Echinacea. Rudbeckia. Yarrow. If you didn't see color enough in your garden, perhaps you might want to add it this year. The annual Zinnia and Dahlia are other superior additions.

Have you tried growing flowers specifically for drying? While the plants themselves are not so ornamental, the flowers they produce are forever flowers. German Statice and Sea Lavender (Limonium), Yarrows, Gomphrena, and Strawflowers (Xerochrysum) are great for sustaining beauty. Don’t limit your view.

Now is a great time to expand your color palette. Not only that, but the future self-sustaining resources for flower shows are expanded too.

A good gardener is always growing, and a great gardener is always learning.


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